Shih Tzu Day 20: Treats and Chew Things

The Shih Tzus Survey New Treats and Chew Things

Flower gives Mom a high five Flower and Dottie greeted me upstairs this morning, and Candy joined them at the bottom. Candy started to do the tribal dance for John this morning, but Flower intervened by barking and running around and acting spastic. I might be teaching them very bad manners by participating in their ritual, but I just love those little, playful bites on my hand, and I love to watch them jumping and flying around like maniacs — especially since they are so reserved most of the rest of the day.

When I went downstairs, someone had pooped on the pad for me, and Flower peed outside after eating. One less of each for the carpet!

Mini Taste Test

Now that we're up here, what do we do?I have tried feeding the girls “healthy” foods that people say dogs usually like, such as apples and carrots, but these girls haven’t shown an interest yet. They want their apples wrapped in chicken, as in Waggin’ Train Apple and Chicken Wraps. Maybe after they get used to that taste, they’ll realize real apples taste good.

Say Uncle and I'll let you up.Dottie and Flower turned their noses up at the Milk Bone I offered them, but Flower seems to be capable of eating anything. They all also liked the Waggin’ Train Chicken Wrapped Yams. I liked the fact that the only had five ingredients, with the first two being yams and chicken breasts.

In my mini taste test, the girls also sampled cheese flavored Pup Corn. Dottie wouldn’t touch her piece, probably, again, because of her teeth, although Flower ate it, and then, later, attempted to open the Pup Corn container and treat herself. Candy wouldn’t take it at first, but then she figured out how to break it apart, and chewed her piece after that.

Being cute all the time makes me tired. Orange dog too!What Flower always goes back to is the remnants of the first pepperoni flavored Pork Chomps they brought with them from Barbara’s. The bag is long gone.Treats don’t last long when you have three shih tzus. One thing that gives me a shock whenever I go look for treats is the price!

 What to Chew

Mom, Candy took the orange dog and I wanted to sleep with it!!I come home usually with something I didn’t need to buy. For instance, Flower found a small, round container of floss and eagerly began chewing on it. I assume that’s bad for her, so I took it away. I also took away the bottle cap, thinking she might swallow it. I invested in a chicken flavored nylon bone, which none of them had any interest in. I also brought home a Tire Biter Mini PawTracks tire, that I knew at least John would like! Again, no interest (except John did like it). I need to research household items that won’t hurt them that they will have hours of fun with.

Shih Tzu Day 15: Morning Salutation

Morning Salutation of the Shih Tzus

The shih tzus sure like those midnight hours. Candy and maybe someone else began barking at about 3:30. The barking stopped for about 20 minutes and then began again. I decided it was time to start turning the TV off at night, no matter how long it takes to warm up in the morning. John went down and turned it off. I don’t know if the shih tzus stopping barking because he came down and told them to or because the TV distraction was gone, but they did let me sleep for a couple of hours before starting up again.

I got them all to go outside this morning, but then Flower came back in and I couldn’t convince her to go out again, so I fed her inside.

The Waiting Game

Dottie followed me upstairs most of the times I had to go up them today. Once she was there, she just sat in the hall and waited for me, then followed me down again.

Candy was on the couch when I came back from Walmart. She jumped off, but instead of running to the pen, as usual, she ran to meet me. So did Dottie. Flower hung behind in the pen. I think she waits to see if that Man is with me.

Canyon Creek and Kong

Candy and the Kong teddy bearCandy keeps a watchful paw on the Kong teddy bear.

I gave the dogs a new treat: Canyon Creek Ranch Big Blast duck wrapped pork skin with liver centers. Whew. That’s a lot to say. They loved unraveling it. I also bought them a little Kong teddy bear. Candy carried it up on the couch with her.

Flower and Candy also love to bring their treats up on their couch with them. At one point, I looked up from the computer and saw Flower contentedly gnawing away at her treat on her couch. Candy was at the other end of the living room, sitting on the carpet doing the same thing. Dottie had wandered over to my couch and was burrowing between the throw and the couch, wrapping it award her. I thought of the importance of the fact that they were that comfortable, instead of huddling together in their pen, with Dottie shaking, Flower growling, and Candy looking frightened.

Dottie has begun coming up to me on the couch and wanting up. She can’t seem to jump that high successfully, so I pick her up and she lies next to me while I work.

Shih Tzu Day 9: Dogs Gone Wild

John got up early this morning and went downstairs. He isn’t used to having to watch where his feet land, and took a few steps before realizing he was tracking poop.

Can you do this with your tongue?When I came downstairs, our shih tzu sisters were giddy with excitement. They danced around crazily, bumping against the side of their Superyard. They waited impatiently while I put together their breakfast: a mix of dry dog food, Natural Balance and a tablespoon of cottage cheese, which they love.

They stayed in their playpen until John left, as usual, and then one by one, started wandering around.

Barbara called after John left for work and said she could come over and do some grooming for Dottie. When she got here, I could tell that they remembered her. They didn’t growl or bark.

As far as the dog grooming went, Dottie surprised me. Joey, our Yorkie, trembled and shook whenever she had to get groomed. In fact, she trembled any tiYou think this Bird is Angry!me she got in the car. As a result, she only got in the car if she had to go to the veterinarian or the groomer, which reinforced her fear that something bad was going to happen to her. But Dottie sat there very calmly while Barbara trimmed her, with the clippers and scissors. She wasn’t so calm when it came to her face, but she was able to trim some of it. With her face trimmed, she reminds me even more of the faces of the Peace and Garcia Ty Beanie Babies I used to collect.

Flower surprised me even more. Although Flower likes me to pet her, she still bolts when I try to pick her up. This time, she tried to get away, but calmed down as soon as I picked her up and went to sit by Barbara. She handled the grooming almost as well as Dottie.

Candy was a different story. She struggled to get away once I picked her up and sat down on the floor by Barbara. Barbara was able to trim her more than she had been able to previously, but Candy fidgeted quite a bit. Barbara said she could tell the girls trusted me, or they wouldn’t have been as calm as they were.

After Barbara left, I realized how much the trim affected Candy. She went outside by herself and sat in the corner of the exercise pen near the house, where I couldn’t see her. It had been raiI told you clippers freak me out!ning, so she got lots of mud on her paws. Barbara had just cut the mud out of the pads of her feet and I didn’t want the new mud to harden, so I washed her paws in the sink and sat her back down.

She went and sat down outside the indoor pen, against the wall, so I knew she was still feeling threatened. I shouldn’t look at Milo’s chicken jerky as the cure for everything, but I gave her a piece. About 10 minutes later, she came around and got back in the pen with her sisters. I took the opportunity to take a group photo that included one of their Angry Birds dog toys.

I was concerned when it started thundering this afternoon, but the shih tzu sisters didn’t seem to notice it. I thought it might scare them. I guess if the noise comes from outside, it’s not a threat to them, even though Candy in particular is afraid of most things, including her shadow.

Men still terrify them. They didn’t growl or bark when John got home, but the three shih tzus ran for the backdoor when my stepson, Gabe, came over. In fact, Flower was so afraid that she ran into the kitchen and stood near my feet until I picked her up. That is the first time Flower wanted me to pick her up — she was that frightened.

I went outside with Flower, Dottie and Candy and stayed there for about 15 minutes. Flower sat quietly in my arms most of the time. Their fear, in particular towards men, makes me wonder what they went through at the puppy mill. It also could just be from other males they have been around, or maybe they are just more used to women. We will never know.

Things are a lot different than I thought they would be. When I first met these furry darlings, I thought Candy and I would bond the most, but she is the most aloof, and Flower seems to rely on me the most. She continues to nudge me to pet her if I pet either of the other dogs.