Shih Tzu Day 3: The Candy Show

The Candy Show

I guess I missed the show with Candy this morning. John got up again at 4 a.m. and took her outside. He said she looked like a dancing pony, clawing the dirt. I guess I need to get up earlier to see this little shih tzu at her most charming!

Candy is still the only one of the shih tzu sisters who will go outside willingly. But then, she is the only one who gets out of her pen to roam around at all. And she is the one who wants to eat everyone’s food and the only one I ever see going to the water bowl. When I realized that, I moved a water bowl into their pen, and they all began to drink it.

Dottie didn’t put up a fight when I picked her up to take her outside. Flower evaded me a little bit, but not as much as yesterday.

All three of the dogs ate some food after I got up. They liked the Natural Balance and small bit of hamburger I added, and Dottie and Candy ate the dry food, but Flower didn’t eat that part.

I picked up Dottie after feeding them and sat her on the couch with me. She didn’t seem to mind too much, although I will be happy when she ventures out of her pen on her own and makes a choice to come sit on the couch. As soon as I stopped petting her, she calmly jumped down and got back into her pen.

I also sat Candy on the couch with me. She was fine when I gave her a small piece of chicken jerky, but jumped back down as soon as she ate it. She gets out of the pen regularly now.

Flower is moving around her pen a little. I can’t wait until she follows Candy out into the living room. That will feel like a big achievement.

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