Shih Tzu Day 21 Highlight: Forever Home!

Dottie, Candy and Flower Freeze Have a Forever Home

Candy is oblivious that she was just adoptedI have known for a week that Delores and I would be discussing something very important today: adoption. She brought over the paperwork for me to sign after the visit to the vet.

Although it was a very momentous occasion to me, and the shih tzus — ! — things were a little too hectic at the house when I signed the papers to be able to pause and celebrate the moment.

Shiloh Explores While Candy and Flower Bathe

Dottie would be happy to know she has found a forever homeFirst, when we got home, we let Shiloh out of the kennel, and she started roaming around the house. While she explored, Delores and I took Candy and Flower into the kitchen to give them a bath, blocking their exit with a baby gate. I couldn’t catch Flower right away, so we bathed Candy first. She was nervous, but she, like Dottie, she did fine. I was surprised that Flower did too. Both were very docile while wrapped in the towel for drying.

As soon as I let Candy go, she took the first opportunity to go and roll in the dirt in the garden.

Did I hear someone say I've been adopted?Although Dottie and Candy mainly acted as if Shiloh wasn’t there, Flower looked at the intrusion differently. I was concerned when it looked fisticuffs was inevitable, but Delores thought they were just playing. I’m still not sure about that.

In the meantime, Peek-a-boo found a way to get up on the table, and decided to lounge there. Miss Muffett made herself at home on the couch. With so many canines in the house, I feebly asked her to get down, but then gave up.

Adoption Day

When Delores asked if I was ready to sign the papers, transferring the shih tzus from BFF Rescue to us, I realized that I was. It was a big step — a lot bigger than being foster parents — but it was a step I was ready to take. I love these little ewok princesses!

As I looked over the paperwork she had brought with her, I noted their names: Dottie Rose Ann, sired by Ringo Boy Stein, and the dam, Kiyanne Rose Stein, on 9/17/2005; Frosty Iris Candy, also sired by Ringo Boy Stein, with dam Saki Grace Stein, on 4/30/2009; and Golden Flower, sired by Ringo Boy Stein (busy, busy boy!) and dam Sasa Nicole Stein.

I was happy! I was now the Forever Mom of three precious, although slightly dysfunctional, little girls!

Shih Tzu Day 21: A Temporary Dog Guest

A Dog Named Shiloh Visits the Shih Tzu Sisters

When we first arrived at the veterinary clinic,  a small black and white dog named Shiloh came up to greet Delores. I asked who Shiloh belonged to. Delores told me a sad story, like so many sad pet stories.

We came back from the vet with an extra dog.

Shiloh had been the only dog of a family for many years. However, when a new dog entered the home, an incident between the two dogs and a bagel led to a tussle over the food and Shiloh accidentally biting a child. Shiloh’s people decided they didn’t want him anymore, and he ended up at the veterinary clinic.

Out of the goodness of her heart, Doctor Anna decided to look after Shiloh until they could find him a home. Shiloh hung out at the clinic, greeting people and pets when they came in. He had been hanging out there for about a month.

I also met a foster dog named Pumpkin. While we were waiting for Muffie to get a chip, I talked to the cocker spaniel’s foster mom in the lobby. She told me that she fostered Pumpkin through a local cocker spaniel rescue. She had fostered 64 dogs in the last two years — !! — even fostering seven at one time. I asked her how she did it, without getting too attached to them. She told me that it happened the first few times, but it got easier, and she was always happy when they went to good homes.

As I talked to her, I thought of Shiloh. I didn’t know how Dottie, Flower and Candy would take it, but I thought maybe we could bring Shiloh home just until BFF Rescue found him a home. I mentioned it to Delores, and she was very happy with the idea.

My mother has a terrier that she adores. John has mentioned liking Boston terriers before, and this dog was a Boston terrier mixed with something else. I called John and asked him if Shiloh could come home with us — definitely just as a foster dog, until BFF Rescue found him a home. He hesitated, thinking I’d gone over the bend, but he said if I thought it was a good idea, he was fine with it.

Delores said if Shiloh didn’t get along with the shih tzus, or if there was any other problem, she’d take him back off our hands. Shiloh eagerly got in his kennel, and we loaded all five dogs into Delores’ SUV. I wasn’t sure if I was making a mistake, but we’d give it a try!