Shih Tzu Day 119: Snow Shih Tzus

shih tzu snow angels

a <em srcset=shih tzu playing in the snow.” width=”270″ height=”203″ />a <em srcset=shih tzu kicking up snow. ” width=”240″ height=”180″ />I normally go outside with the shih tzu sisters when they eat, but it snowed last night, so today I put their bowls on the porch and came back inside and stood at the door. Flower did her normal routine. As soon as she was done, she wandered over near Candy, still eating her food. When the shih tzus first came to live with us, Flower would gobble down her food, rush over to Candy, push her nose in Candy’s bowl and start helping her finish her food.

I have corrected her so many times though, that now she looks up to see if I am watching her. When I catch her, I knock on the glass and shake my finger at her, and she usually walks away, like she did this morning. If I stay away from the window too long, chances are I will catch her nose in the bowl, with Candy beside her watching. When they are all done, I open the door and Nigel out.

three shih tzus playing in the snow. After the shih tzus ate, they wandered out into the snow. I don’t know if they have ever played in the snow before. They all came from Kansas, but since the shih tzu sisters were in a puppy mill, I don’t know what the conditions were. I have no idea what kind of life Nigel had before being turned over to the animal shelter, but he might have played in snow.

I do know it was the first time for the shih tzus to play in snow at the Freeze home. I really enjoyed seeing them bounding across the yard like rabbits. Flower and Candy especially looked like they were having a good time.

a shih tzu with snow frozen to her legs. Abut a half-hour after we all came inside I looked at Candy and realized she had ice stuck to her fur on her chest and paws. I sat her on my lap and picked the ice off, then got a microfiber cloth, dipped it in warm water and held it on the remaining ice to melt it. She put her head on my lap when I was done and stayed there until I moved my position.

When she got up, I thought she might jump off the couch, but she went over and lay down on top of Dottie. She stayed there for quite awhile, with Nigel next to them. Later, Flower came up and lay down on the arm of the couch. It was unusual and sweet to have four shih tzus sleeping on the couch. Flower’s first choice would have been her couch, but since she peed on it again, it’s off limits to her.

I had the shih tzus all go outside again in the afternoon. This time when the children came in, I noticed that Flower had snowballs stuck on her. The same thing probably happened this morning, but I didn’t realize it. I looked online to see what people do when snow sticks to dogs and read to sit them in warm water. I put a few inches of water in the sink and splashed it on Flower’s fur until the snow melted, then wrapped a towel around her, held her on my lap and dried her off.

(Please visit our FLICKR page for more first snow pictures.)

back to being a recluse

Candy was back to being a recluse this afternoon. She went over to her area by the dining room, and if I tried to go near her, she ran under the table. She is a strange little shih tzu.

Dottie, Candy and Nigel shih tzu on the couch together.One shih tzu peeking around the corner and three shih tzus on the couch.The couch dynamics changed this afternoon. Nigel sat on my lap for about an hour. Later, he lay down on the left of me and Flower sat on my right. I don’t think Dottie liked the arrangement, so she decided to sit on the couch arm, looking dejected.

four shih tzus on a couch.Sometimes I hope that I am not doing them a disfavor by taking them all in. Dottie is very possessive of me, and I think she would have made an ideal only dog. However, I know she knows I love her, and for the most part, I think she’s happy here with her sisters, although she doesn’t like to share her side of the couch or Mom — and she could do without Nigel.

Shih Tzu Day 103: The Shihtzuation with Nigel

crazy little thing called Nigel

A shih tzu howlinga shih tzu in his dog bed.Our household is getting used to Nigel. John has been his biggest fan since day one. I think he’s adorable, but Nigel can be a handful. This morning he crawled into my lap and stayed there for awhile. Every now and then he would look up at me with a very sweet expression. I jokingly told John that when/if he leaves, we will retire his little black skull sweater, like when sports figures’ numbers are retired. John suggested we could frame it and hang it on the wall.

shih tzu with a Milo's Kitchen bag.shih tzu with tongue out of mouth.Flower and Candy are getting used to him too. At first, it seemed like they weren’t quite sure if he was replacing them. No, I don’t know how dogs think, but they did seem to retreat a little. I just kept giving them lots of love and telling them that this was their home and they were staying. I think Dottie accepts him, but she just tolerates him, kind of like when she tolerates when Flower wants to enter “her” space on the couch.

waggle, waggle

two shih tzus a shih tzu and a childEvery once in a while, Candy and Flower will suddenly leave Shih Tzu Central to saunter in front of the couch, going who knows where. Usually, they head for their home under the dining room table, like it was one of those makeshift forts kids make, thinking that once there, no one else will see them.

shih tzu begging for pizza.Sometimes, they turn right around and saunter back. It is really cute when they stop in front of my computer stand, where I can’t see them, and nuzzle or slightly lick my toes. Then, when I look down, Flower will do her little head waggle and Candy her butt waggle.

I always tell them to come up and see me, but usually, Candy walks on by. Flower often comes closer, puts her paws on the top edge of the couch, stretches and then slides clear down to the floor until she is flat. It is so cute, but I don’t know why she does it. It would be interesting to see what she would do if Dottie wasn’t queen of her end of the couch and Nigel didn’t reign over the John end. Usually when they start getting restless, I herd them outside, give them a Milo’s Kitchen dog treat or something else, and then try to get them to play in the yard.

I love you this big

Nigel with dog treat in mouthMy shih tzu trio couldn’t be more “my girls” than if I had birthed them. As Scottie McCreery, the reigning American Idol would say, I love them “this big.” I acknowledge their dysfunctions and fears. I have more patience with their idiosyncrasies than I ever thought I would have with a canine companion. Still, I have to admit that it is refreshing having a puppy in the house that loves people easily and hasn’t learned fear.

two shih tzus on a couchI know that Nigel’s life was different. I wish I knew what it was. John doesn’t understand how anyone could turn Nigel over to an animal shelter. Looking at him and seeing how he loves people, I assume he had a loving home. Maybe his family just couldn’t afford taking care of him when he had pneumonia. Maybe he was sick before that. We will never know, but it’s easy to wonder about his life before.

All we know is that the last couple months of his life were tough, but he seems very well adjusted. It was heartwarming watching the way that he completely trusted Leticia and Candace’s children, climbing into every lap that was available.

We also thought it was so cute the way that John’s sister Lynda and her husband Jeff embraced him, even though Jeff joked about him sneezing all over him. I imagine that is aftereffects of the pneumonia. He does sneeze a lot, and his big eyes always water. Despite that, he is so cute.

I thought he seemed a little down this afternoon. He was very excited when I got home though. I’m not sure what happened. Earlier he was resting by Dottie, with his head on her side. Since they are the two couch dogs, that’s par for the course. Maybe she gave him one of her ferocious growls, telling him he was intruding on her space. I try to stop that when I am there, but I can’t always be there.

in the ring

Candy and Flower picked a play fight with each other this afternoon. They were fighting in their make-believe ring for quite a while, their paws up. Well, they look more like dancing ponies than wrestlers. I saw Nigel watching them, and thought he probably wanted to play, but they haven’t yet accepted him, either in the morning when they get up or later in the day, in their “reindeer games.” My hope is that they will accept him soon. After all, they sure know what it’s like to be a dog down on their luck!