Shih Tzu Day 30: In Hiding

Hiding from Mom and Dad

The girls woke me up at 5:30, like clockwork. When I finally got up and went into the bathroom, Dottie rubbed very hard against my leg. I’m not sure what that means. I assume she just wanted to be close to me.

What's the name of this Flower? Hey, that's my name!

I am going to refrain from giving the kids many treats today, because Dottie still has diarrhea. I feel bad because she also still seems fearful of me, after I impatiently pulled her the few inches towards the training pad yesterday. I ended up using the sides of the exercise pen to make a fence between the living room and the dining room, so they couldn’t run and hide under the dining room table. They tend to do that when they get scared, and Dottie has been doing it a lot. Candy and Flower hide there often as well.

Playing Nice with Mom

When I'm in the garden, I forget I don't feel good.I left the house for a few hours to meet a friend for lunch. When I got back, the girls were all very playful. Candy played with the orange dog off and on. When I held her and then released her, she didn’t go right back to her pen. Neither did Flower.

Shiloh found a way to get up on a dining room chair. That is another reason to block off that area. The table is full of clutter, and I have the treat box there. I forgot to close it earlier, and I think that might have been his target when he got up on the chair. When I shut the container, everyone thought it was opening, dropped what they were doing and came running.

They did their wild dog impression, where they all rush towards me at once, Dottie and Flower wagging their tails, Candy attempting to move hers and Flower bobbing her head from side to side.

The highlights of the afternoon included watching Shiloh trying to dominate Flower, and watching her sass him back. After John got home, Flower jumped on the couch with Dottie and me, while he sat beside me, for the first time. It helped that he was eating Bugles, and he offered her a few.

Shih Tzu Day 18: Candy, Wise Dog and Inquisitor

a shih tzu appearing to meditate in a garden.

Candy reminds me why I call her inquisitor

We stopped at Home Depot on the way back from church to look for a solution to block the other side of the porch, so we could expand the shih tzus’ play and exercise area. After eating leftover pizza from last night, we stepped out in the hot sun to survey the yard.

We decided that instead of blocking off the porch, we would move the fence/exercise pen around our flower bed and add the additional exercise pen we brought from Barbara’s to the two we have, doubling the size of their exercise/play area. I thought the girls might enjoy wandering between the flowers, or at least I hoped they would.

a shih tzu in a garden.

I also hoped to give them some grass for their paws, instead of the dirt that always seemed muddy lately, due to the rain. The pens wouldn’t stretch that far, however, but we did spread out some leftover mulch.

When we first tried to get them to explore, Flower was too busy barking at John to notice the new arrangement. Then, her and Dottie tried to run into the house, forcing their heads through a very small hole. That looked like it hurt!

Later, they were nervous again, because we were onto steam cleaning the hard wood floor in the living room and redoing the carpet. There is still a very strong smell of urine, and we are trying to get rid of it. We discovered that part of it was probably coming from the pad under the carpet. Also, part was probably coming from the shower curtain liner in their inside pen. Pee you!

It wasn’t just the noise from the steam cleaner that bothered them. I knew they were wondering why their pen kept moving or disappearing. We had to keep them in the kitchen while we cleaned their area. Flower tried desperately to get loose by sticking her head as far as she could beneath the baby gate. Again, I feared for her little head!

Outside, once they had calmed down, Candy wandered around contentedly, sniffing and wagging her tail. Our little inquisitor. Dottie sat faithfully by my feet, and Flower roamed up and down the porch, looking at me, looking at John, looking back at me, until she stopped long enough for me to pick her up. John attempted to pet her, showing her his hand slowly, and then rubbing her ears. She didn’t object. In fact, she let him pet her for several minutes.

Another part of their day that didn’t seem to appeal to them was their treats. Flower gnawed on her dental treat, and probably Candy’s, too, since I saw her take it from her (I don’t think Candy minded). Flower also was the one busily chewing on the Canyon Creek treat, and again, I saw her take Candy’s. I am beginning to see why Candy seems so independent. Her sister protects her, but she also picks on her. It doesn’t seem to be much different in the animal kingdom!

I think Dottie’s teeth prevent her from enjoying harder treats. Candy just doesn’t seem to care sometimes, which is lucky for Flower.

Candy, in fact, concerns me. She is the most calm, but sometimes I think she is too calm. She lay down in the dirt without moving for quite a while, and then lay down among the flowers. I hope she is just happy and that nothing is seriously wrong with her. That little tyke pulls at my heart, just like her sisters do.