Shih Tzu Day 30: In Hiding

Hiding from Mom and Dad

The girls woke me up at 5:30, like clockwork. When I finally got up and went into the bathroom, Dottie rubbed very hard against my leg. I’m not sure what that means. I assume she just wanted to be close to me.

What's the name of this Flower? Hey, that's my name!

I am going to refrain from giving the kids many treats today, because Dottie still has diarrhea. I feel bad because she also still seems fearful of me, after I impatiently pulled her the few inches towards the training pad yesterday. I ended up using the sides of the exercise pen to make a fence between the living room and the dining room, so they couldn’t run and hide under the dining room table. They tend to do that when they get scared, and Dottie has been doing it a lot. Candy and Flower hide there often as well.

Playing Nice with Mom

When I'm in the garden, I forget I don't feel good.I left the house for a few hours to meet a friend for lunch. When I got back, the girls were all very playful. Candy played with the orange dog off and on. When I held her and then released her, she didn’t go right back to her pen. Neither did Flower.

Shiloh found a way to get up on a dining room chair. That is another reason to block off that area. The table is full of clutter, and I have the treat box there. I forgot to close it earlier, and I think that might have been his target when he got up on the chair. When I shut the container, everyone thought it was opening, dropped what they were doing and came running.

They did their wild dog impression, where they all rush towards me at once, Dottie and Flower wagging their tails, Candy attempting to move hers and Flower bobbing her head from side to side.

The highlights of the afternoon included watching Shiloh trying to dominate Flower, and watching her sass him back. After John got home, Flower jumped on the couch with Dottie and me, while he sat beside me, for the first time. It helped that he was eating Bugles, and he offered her a few.

Shih Tzu Day 28: Romper Room Revival

Living on the Romper Room Set

I can see Flower and Dottie...I can see Candy...John and I were talking this morning about the cute factor of living with these shih tzu sisters. He said he was thinking about the little tykes and thought of the children’s TV show, “Romper Room.” I knew exactly what part he was talking about, when the hostess held up her “magic mirror,” and said, “I can see …” and named off the guests. My magic mirror is my camera: “I can see Candy and Flower and Dottie … and Shiloh.”

McDonald’s Again

I decided to continue my experiment with Flower and take her to McDonald’s again. It was a repeat of yesterday. Yup. She hated the car ride again, but, no poop, so we are improving!

I took her home, took the kids out back and fed them a gourmet lunch on the porch. She might not have liked her trip, but at least maybe she will start to realize that something bad doesn’t happen each time she gets in the car. I wish I had tried harder with our Yorkie, Joey. She thought every trip was a trip to the groomer or vet, and she shook violently anytime she got in the car. Then again, every trip was a trip to the groomer or the vet because of the way she felt in the car!

What a Rush

Let's rush her. She's hiding food.When we came inside, the girls weren’t ready to go back to their safe zone. They all roamed around the living room for a while. Flower and Dottie’s tails were wagging. I still haven’t figured out if Candy actually wags her tail. I don’t seem to ever catching her doing it.

Flower decided to repose on the floor between the safe zone and me to take a small nap. It’s odd. The dogs will be in their corner, and suddenly, somethinThis dog is a funny color. It's not our sister, is it?g will set them off, and it’s like someone let them out of their cage. They descend on me, cute as a bunch of little lions. I can see why they’re called “lion dogs.” Especially Flower. Sometimes the way they rush me reminds me of those zombie movies.

I disappeared for a while to go upstairs to gather laundry. The girls thought it was morning again. When I came down, they started their prancing and biting routine.

The Orange Dog

Candy and Flower have finCandy is such a pushover! ally decided to play with the orange dog I got them. Candy was carrying it around, tugging on it for a while, but then Flower, the bully, took it from her.  When Flower got tired of them, she leaped up onto the couch to visit me. Her time limit seems to be about five minutes.

Not Dad Yet

Flower still barked, growled and ran when John came in. She scurried around the room, darted here and there, while the other three dogs took treats from him. I think it would be a little better if Shiloh wasn’t constantly trying to be front and center. I know the day will come when they will realize that he’s a good dad. It’s a strange switch. Joey was so devoted to John. But, I know they will come around.