Take Your Dog to Work Day, Friday, June 22

It’s been a while since we’ve posted! We’ve been very busy and Mom hasn’t been much help with our Twitter account and is behind talking about our lives at the Freeze home. She promises to catch up soon, because A LOT has been happening here!

In the meantime, we ran across this information on the 14th annual Pet Sitters International “Take Your Dog to Work Day,” which is Friday, June 22.

We’re lucky. Mom has an office at home, so, technically, we go with her to work everyday. Nigel and Dottie sit on the couch with her most of the time. I jump up to see what’s going on now and then. Since all dogs aren’t that lucky, we want all the Humans out there planning to take dogs like us to work to be prepared. Follow these helpful tips by celebrity dog trainer, animal behaviorist and radio host Harrison Forbes.

Practice Makes Perfect: Before to bringing your dog into the office, practice polite behavior by taking them out to public places. Letting Fido tag along on your next trip to the park, pet store or café patio will help them become more acclimated to new people, places and animals. This will help them learn proper behavior when greeting people and help them relax in new settings.

Plan, Prepare and Protect: Plan ahead and check with your co-workers to make sure everyone is allergy-free and comfortable with dogs. Also, prepare your work space by hiding electrical cords, and setting out a dog bed and water bowl. Most importantly, make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccines and protected from fleas and ticks that can be passed from other four-legged office mates. Use a monthly topical treatment like PetArmor®, which is the fipronil-based preventative that offers the same protection as Frontline® at about half the cost.

Walk This Way: Learn leash manners before stepping foot into the building. A trick to combat leash pulling is to stop walking or stop and walk in the opposite direction. When the dog stops and the leash becomes loose, start walking again. Repeat this exercise until your dog learns to walk with you instead of pulling ahead. This can be a long and frustrating process, but it will be effective in the long-term.

Sit and Stay: Condition your dog to sit and stay on command. This is the proper way to greet co-workers, and will help ensure your work day is productive. Teach “sit” and “down” by practicing ahead of time out in public, and offering a small treat for every successful command. Keep training sessions short and gradually build up to an hour. Once at work, encourage your dog to sit or lie down in its bed while in you’re working in your office.

Getting to Know You: Avoid office disputes by asking permission before you allow your dog to greet another dog, and don’t force your dog to become ‘friends’ with another dog; let them meet in their own time. Try to keep a loose leash when introducing your dog to another. Pulling tightly on the leash may cause your dog to become nervous and to growl or snap.

Shih Tzu Day 82: Scavenger Hunt and Twitter Update

three shih tzus searching for kibbleScavenger Hunt

The girls let us sleep in until 7! That was nice. I only saw two spots on the training pads this morning, and I forgot to put the gate up in front of the spare bedroom before going to bed, so I imagine Candy might have wandered in there. But I didn’t see any evidence.

I fed the girls their individual breakfast, and, as is now part of the normal routine, coaxed Flower away from the other bowls by bouncing pieces of kibble in her bowl or near it for her to find, to keep her happy and busy. Then, when Candy and Dottie finished, I threw the kibble out little by little, so they could scramble over the porch looking for it.

shih tzu with silly haircut.

Sometimes lately it’s been difficult to get them to get off the porch and do their business after eating, but this morning, they all wandered down and got it done. Then, as usual, Dottie and Flower came in with me, while Candy stayed outside to explore and just watch the world.

two shih tzu half sistersI only had to run one errand today (which included satisfying a craving for a breakfast burrito), so most of the day I sat on the couch and worked, with Dottie lying beside me. Flower jumped up when I was eating my burrito, so I gave them teeny pieces of potato. Later, Flower came up and looked at us several times, but then she wandered back to Shih Tzu Central.

700 Twitter Followers!

I have been faithfully tweeting for the girls, including tweeting about puppy mill articles I read, or about dogs I see on line that need to be adopted. When I was looking for a shih tzu, I signed up to have adoptapet.com email me when shih tzus were added to the list, so I regularly share those. l also check to see if BFF Rescue has new dogs, and tweet about them. It’s always nice when someone retweets them, because you never know what good it might do. Also, the Shih Tzu Sisters now have 700 Twitter followers, so more opportunity!

Jealous Doggie

Dottie twisted around on her part of the couch for several minutes this afternoon. I’m not sure what she was doing. Sometimes she acts like she doesn’t like the blanket I have there to protect the couch. Today, she scratched at it until she uncovered the couch and then scratched at it. I wish I knew what these dogs were thinking sometimes.

two shih tzus close together

Late in the afternoon, Flower and Candy wandered out from Shih Tzu Central and Dottie jumped down off the couch. They looked like they wanted to do something. I seldom see them playing with the toys I give them, I can only give them so many treats, and I can’t walk them until we can get them trained to do that, so I got down on the blanket on the floor and played doggie with them.

Later, after John got home, Dottie was on the couch, and I went over to pet Flower. Dottie jumped down, ran over and practically sat on Flower to stop me from petting her. She can be such a jealous dog. It’s cute, but I am trying to get her to share me. I took turns petting both of them, and of course, ok a picture!

Shih Tzu Day 71: Country Dog, Shake It For Me

the shih tzus and the unwelcome guest

John went downstairs at about 4:30 to let the shih tzus out, but Candy was the only one that would go outside. After that, they were perfectly quiet. Their sharp doggie ears heard me get up at 6:45 and go in the bathroom, and the shih tzus started barking. When I opened the door, they rushed me excitedly.

<em srcset=shih tzu on dog bed looking bored.” width=”300″ height=”199″ />After I fed them and brought them inside, the shih tzus sat on the carpet staring at me, as if to say, “What now?” I usually leave them to themselves after they come inside, and start my work. This morning, I sat on the carpet with Candy and Flower for a while, rubbing those cute little shih tzu faces between my hands. I am trying to follow a Twitter friend’s website advice and give them daily, planned “love time.”

<u srcset=shih tzu eying a treat” width=”300″ height=”199″ />two shih tzus watch another get a treat.My stepdaughter Candace came over mid-morning to help me organize some papers. The dogs didn’t immediately growl at her, because she didn’t stop at Shih Tzu Central to say hi. The shih tzus did growl at her later, however, when she walked too close to them. After she’d been here about an hour, I ushered Candy, Flower and Dottie outside to see if they would let Candace give them a treat. I am starting to think Dottie will take food from anyone; she eagerly approached her. Candy and Flower stayed in the yard, staring at the treat and at Candace, but only taking a few steps towards her, then moving back. She ended up throwing them some chicken jerky, which they picked up and ate.

shih tzu getting jerky from porchAfter we came inside, Candy went up to her room to hide. When Candace and I left for lunch, I put the gate across the door, to prevent Candace from going in there and peeing on the floor, not knowing that she was already in the room. When we came back, I looked around the dining room and living room and couldn’t find her. I looked in the spare room, just in case, and found her sitting in the closet, resting on a purse.

shih tzu hiding in closet.Flower jumped up on the couch to see me several times in the afternoon. On one of the occasions, she brought her Oinkies pigskin treat with her. I thought I’d try the Hartz brand this time, because it has a sweet potato center. They seem to like it better than the other brands of that type of treat.

shake It, country dog

shih tzu shaking her buttI realized that we have been lazy this week — no grooming, no trying to get them on a leash. The only training I have been doing is still trying to get them to pee on the training pad and not on the carpet.

shih tzu shaking her butt in excitementWhen I came down this morning, there were three yellow spots on the two pads I put down, and even some poop, so someone is trying. Candy continues her habit of napping on it and chewing on treats on it, so I doubt if she is using the training pads for their intended purpose.

shih tzu shaking her butt in excitementBut good news. It’s official. Candy now gets excited when John gets home. Country singer Luke Bryan has a song called “Country Girl (Shake It For Me).” That is my theme song for Candy, only I sing to her, “Country Dog (Shake It For Me).” She is just so adorable when she shakes her little bootie.

Flower is getting better. She isn’t where Candy is, but when John got home tonight, she did act halfway excited. They now know that treats quickly follow after he comes home.

Although Dottie hung back, not one of the dogs growled. Outside, all three of them came up to him for treats readily, with Flower not giving a second thought to putting her paw on his knee. John held Candy for a while later. She seemed content. He also pet Dottie, and she let him, but she looked the other way the entire time.

Shih Tzu Day 38: Another Saturday with the Shih Tzus

A Shih Tzu Saturday Morning

No sleeping in anymore, even on Saturday morning! I think I got to stay in bed until 5:30. Got up and started doing laundry, helping the shih tzus with their Twitter account, deleting old email. Flower barked when John came downstairs. I think she thinks he needs her permission to move around the house. I finally stopped her. She barked while she was outside waiting for food, but stopped as soon as I brought it out.

I sure wish I could get control of the peeing and pooping in the house situation. Someone, probably Flower, thinks she should pee when she comes upstairs to greet me in the morning, too. Always in the same spot.

I watched Dottie use the training pad the other day,so I know she knows its purpose. However, she only managed to get half on the pad, and the other half on the freshly steam vacuumed carpet.

I also watched Flower squat right next to it, like I saw Candy do the other day. I stopped Candy in time, but not Flower.

The Horrible Harness

I succeeded in almost putting the Comfy Control Harness on Flower. I didn’t get it on quite right, and when I tried to fix it, she tried very hard to bite me. It’s hard to take her serious, with her eyes so big and her head bobbing from side to side. She looks more like she is trying to catch flies than bite me.

Dottie is the calmest of the bunch, so I slipped the harness on her, attached the leash and had her walk around wearing it, the leash dragging on the ground. I took her outside and she took a few steps, not really knowing what I was trying to accomplish.

When John got up and came outside, I decided that he could try to get her to walk on the leash while I tried to get the experiment on video. Dottie suddenly wasn’t calm anymore. She bucked like a Bronco, twisting and turning, then stumbling over something on the ground. John decided it might be better if I held the leash next time. I went and picked her up, but she wouldn’t look at me. I’m sure she felt I betrayed her by taking her out of her comfort zone.

A Playground for the Dogs

John and I spent the afternoon expanding the dogs’ playground. We gave them the entire backyard, except for a very small area we fenced off at the far back, where the landscaped area slopes up to the neighbor’s fence. It would be possible for a determined dog to get up there and get through the fence into the neighbor’s yard. I doubt if the shih tzus would venture up there, but Shiloh already has climbed to the top.

When we brought the dogs out for treats, they forgot all about eating. We had thought they might slowly venture away from the area they had used before, but that wasn’t the case. Flower started sniffing around outside the old perimeter, going further and further, followed by Candy and finally Dottie. They all explored quite a bit.

After getting treats, Flower and Dottie went in, but Candy the Inquisitor was content to roam the yard for another 30 minutes.

The Dog Whisperer Barker

Shiloh had a little extra fun in the afternoon. He got to sit on the riding lawn mower with John.

Later, however, he got into trouble. He just can’t stand it when dogs bark on the “Dog Whisperer,” and I refuse to not watch it because of him. We have three shih tzus to train, and we need all the help we can get! This time when he ran to the TV, tried to leap into it and began barking, we pulled him back and put him on a leash. He still rushed the TV, barking, a few times, before he got tired and settled down. My fear is that the shih tzu princesses will follow his lead.

Shih Tzu Day 14: Tweeting on Twitter

Flower, Dottie and Candy, Twitter Profile PicFlower, Dottie and Candy pose for their Twitter profile pic.

I have signed the shih tzu sisters up for their own Twitter account, under ShihTzuSisters. They’d love for you to follow them!

Dottie and Flower waited until 6:30 to come up the stairs this morning. Flower stayed in the bathroom, but Dottie came up to the bed and let me pick her up. Although Candy didn’t go upstairs, she was waiting at the bottom of the stairs when I came down, and danced around as much as the others, softly biting my hand.

We had a severe lightning and thunder storm last night.The shih tzus seemed frightened, but at least they weren’t shaking. The storm left the ground drenched and muddy, so I didn’t make them go outside right away. I fed them by the back door. I am not sure if Candy doesn’t like the Natural Balance meat, or if she is just used to the other shih tzus taking it from her. I give them separate bowls and try to make sure they get different amounts, but it’s difficult with her, because she sometimes doesn’t seem interested right away, and then she wanders away and usually Dottie goes and grabs the best stuff out of the bowl.

We all went outside when John came down at 7. When he came out with our coffee, Flower started barking. She finally came and stood sidewise in front of me. I think she knows I can pick her up easier that way.

I was gone from 9:15 until 5, meeting a client whose book I am editing and then Deb for lunch at YaYa’s. The girls were excited when I got home. Candy seems more alert tonight. I attempted to pick up Dottie, but at first she ran. I think it’s only to impress Flower. Candy did the same thing. However, they did let me pick them up without too much fuss. Flower continues to tense up when I try to hold her inside, so I just pet her and leave her alone.

When John got home, we took the chicken jerky outside. They have eaten most of the Milo’s Kitchen chicken jerky. This time, I thought I’d try Waggin’ Train Jerky Tenders. I let them try a little of each. I couldn’t tell if they noticed a difference. Personally, I think Milo’s smells better. The girls let John feed them treats outside. Flower barked, but she eventually succumbed to the temptation.

Later, I put Dottie between us on the couch, and she let us both pet her. So did Candy. I can’t resist trying with Flower. I went into the pen and petted her and then tried to pick her up. She backed away from me a few times, but finally let me pick her up. Instead of sitting down by John, however, I sat on her couch. She seemed content to stay there with me. We sat there for about ten minutes, and then I put her down on the floor.