Shih Tzu Week 117

Back to the Past: Sept. 19 – Sept. 25, 2013

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Friday, Sept. 20

This morning when I went to grab the leashes out of the basket, Nigel wandered back to his bed and Candy wandered under the table. They probably need walking the least, so I decided to just take Dottie and Flower. It’s always easier with less than four anyway. When we got back, I opened the back door so the shih tzus could wander in and out. I so wish we could get Dottie and Candy to use the doggy door, because I am constantly trying to get flies and bees out of the house. I swatted a fly near Candy and she didn’t even run. Sometimes she still startles easily, but she is getting better.

Sunday, Sept. 22

We took the dogs for a walk this morning at Majestic View. I always get a kick out of Flower’s excitement during the car ride. Nigel gets pretty excited too, but Flower is more verbal. If I say, “Are you excited we’re going for a walk?” Flower squeals.

Monday, Sept. 23

We have done well with many areas with the shih tzus, including their relationship with us. I have also noticed that most of their tear stains are gone, although Dottie still has a little brown on her face. However, partly because of the fact that Candy and Dottie won’t use the doggy door, we still have housebreaking issues. It’s not unusual for me to try to figure out where the urine smell is coming from. I realized today that Flower had peed on her couch, so the cushion cover went into the wash. Also, it looked like someone peed on Dottie’s thick blanket that I sometimes sit on. Ick. Candy had been relieving herself on the carpet in our bedroom so I started shutting the door. Then she started peeing on the rug in the bathroom. At least I can wash that, but I also started shutting that door.

Shih Tzu Day 42: Kicked Out Of Dog Grooming School

dog grooming school practice

Dottie went yesterday. Who's going today?I might have a hard time composing myself to write this, because I had a very hard day! It’s all the fault of Mom and that lady named Lia at Gentle Groomers. And maybe it’s even Candy and Dottie’s fault! I know it’s not mine. I didn’t decide to go to stupid dog grooming school!

The day didn’t start out all that bad. We had our yummy food outside, and then Dottie and I went inside. Candy likes to be by herself, so she went and sat under what the man calls a trailer.

You come near me with that water, and you will live to regret it!Later, the man went and brought her inside. Mom said since she couldn’t figure out how to watch the videos from dog grooming school, she’d have to do her homework by memory, with his help. She got that obnoxiously loud thing and cut fur off of Candy. The lady named Lia at the dog grooming school said she had to cut fur off of her paws and her “woo-hoo.” Giggle. Her woo-hoo! I guess that’s where we have to wee-wee. Anyway, I’m glad it wasn’t my woo-hoo they were trimming for dog grooming school. I like my woo-hoo as it is.

Didn't I warn you!!We decided we weren’t going to spend much time with Mom today, because of this dog grooming school thing. Plus, I don’t like the fact that Mom makes me drag this leash around behind me. I don’t know what she thinks she’s going to accomplish that way. Someone told her that if she did that, we’d learn how to walk with her on a leash. No way!

dog grooming school dropout

I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti! Silence of the Shih TzusMom made us get in the car again and took us to that strange place again. Having to take the car ride was bad enough. Then, this time, instead of getting Dottie out of the kennel, they got me out. It wasn’t funny! Mom let that lady set me up on that table. She put that thing on my neck that she told Mom would keep me from jumping down. She told Mom that she would do “half” of me and Mom would groom the other half. I sat there patiently for a while as she clipped me, but I didn’t like it. Then, she did something that didn’t feel good, and I decided that I’d had enough. I started fighting them, until Lia put a “seat belt” around me, to make me stay on the table. I really don’t like this woman!

I pretended like I was getting calm to make them take the seat belt off me. After they did, I got even. I waited for my chance, and then I jumped up, pulling my neck out of that noose, and jumped backwards off the table. You should have seen their faces!

Thanks, Flower! I bet they would have left me alone if it hadn't been for you!Mom and Lia tried to catch me, but they couldn’t. I was angry, but I was a little afraid, too, and, well, you know what I do when I’m afraid. I can’t help it. I heard Mom say she’d get a paper towel and pick up the poop off the floor. Lia told her I needed a bath, because she couldn’t finish grooming me. Good! I didn’t want to be groomed anyway.

Lia put me in this tub and put something around my neck so I wouldn’t try to jump out, but I was sick of her touching me! I jumped and fought and scratched and kicked — except I guess I wDo you think you could blow that another way? Like towards Flower?as fighting with myself. Lia and Mom just stood there watching me. Mom got concerned because Lia told her I bit my tongue. I did, and it hurt! It also hurt when I hit my head on the tub, several times. I thought if I kept banging it against the tub, Mom would come to my rescue. What’s a dog supposed to do when they don’t want to be groomed or take a bath?? I wish I could talk to someone about animal abuse, but Lia said I was doing all the damage. Well, I guess I was, but it really was their fault.

My shenanigans, as Mom calls them, worked. Lia said I didn’t have to get groomed after all. In fact, she recommended Mom take me to obedience class and gave her some names. That will be the day!

Shih Tzu Day 25: Unsociable Shih Tzus

harmonious shih tzus

All the shih tzus came up to get me this morning. Waldo (one of my nicknames for Shiloh) stood by while they danced, until we went into the kitchen, and then he participated in a mild fashion. I think he’s getting tired of me telling him not to scratch my legs.

John didn’t come down with me, since we had stayed up late last night with our visitors, Nikki and Clarke, watching music videos. After the shih tzus and I came in from their outdoor breakfast, they acted like they wanted to play again, instead of going right back to their corner, like they usually do.

But, company and a houseful of dogs have been slowing me down, and I needed to do a little work. I settled on the couch with my laptop, letting Dottie up when she put her paws up on the couch for assistance. Flower lay down on the floor by my feet. I thought Candy was back in their safe zone, but then I realized she was sitting in front of my feet, chewing on a Pork Chomp, but the laptop was blocking me from seeing her. Whenever I’d look at Flower, her tail would wag. The harmony and contentment made me happy. As for Shiloh, it made him bored and he bounded back upstairs.

Dottie Takes Her Second Car Ride in the Jeep

We again put Shiloh in the kennel before we went to pick up mom for breakfast in Boulder. We had to come back home and get Nikki and Clarke so I decided to take Dottie with us for the fifteen-minute car ride. She shook in the Jeep at first, but otherwise did good.Dottie on her second car ride

Our breakfast took more time than we thought it would, so we instructed my stepdaughter Leticia to have the children change into their swimsuits and swim for a while before we got there. Gabe drove up with Crystal and her daughter, Avi, when we were leaving to go to the store for lunch fixings, so we told him to go on in.

When we got back, the shih tzus were all huddled in their corner. I moved everyone to the garage, where we were going to eat, so they could have a little peace. Nikki and Clarke decided they were going to get on the road before lunch, so they said their goodbyes to us and Shiloh, leaving the shih tzus with two less people to watch warily.

I thought the shih tzus might be a little more comfortable with people, so I told Evita to come and say hi. However, Dottie growled at her, so I warned them that they should say their hellos from a distance.

Shiloh Takes a Walk — or Twenty

After we ate, we brought Shiloh out on his leash, and I brought Dottie outside to sit with me for awhile while people took turns playing ping ping and riding our bikes. Rema, Oriana, Evita, Dulcea and Avi took turns taking Shiloh for walks. Shiloh loved the attention and the walks.

Our granddaughter, Dulcea, walks ShilohThings didn’t go perfectly with Shiloh, however. He did growl at a couple of the kids, so we kept an eye on him. He also growled and barked at the neighbor’s dog when it walked by. Shiloh growled at the neighbor’s big dog, hair standing up. He is a great dog, but I think he definitely needs a watchful eye on him.

They’re Gone!

Once everyone left, the ewoks emerged from their corner. True, we lured them out with treats, which John fed them. The shih tzus will probably be very happy to know that they will be visitor free at least until next weekend, when the kids and grandchildren descend on the house again.