Shih Tzu Week 46: May 10 (Day 316) – May 16 (Day 322), 2012

Shih Tzu Day 316: May 10


Flower gives Sandy the googly eyes.Today is my birthday. I had a coupon for a free lunch at Roby Tuesday’s, so we picked up Mom and went there. Nigel is very friendly to Sandy, of course, but the female shih tzus are still mainly remaining at Shih Tzu Central when we are home. Sandy tried to pet Flower and her eyes got big. Sandy laughed and said, “You have to be really careful when she gets the googly eyes!”

Shih Tzu Day 317: May 11


We went to lunch at Tokyo Joe’s as Sandy’s present to us. The female shih tzus are getting better around Sandy. They will at least walk around and Flower and Dottie will come up to the couch and sit by me, even if she is on the couch.

Shih Tzu Day 318: May 12


Huddle time at Shih Tzu Central.We invited the children and grandchildren over for a BBQ. Candace came alone, but Leticia brought the four girls and Gabe and Crystal brought Samuel. Leticia also brought her friend, Chris, and her little boy. The female shih tzus either stayed in the corner or outside. Flower was the best around the children. She came up to get treats from them without much coaxing.

Shih Tzu Day 319: May 13


I bought a french fry cutter from Harbor Freight, because I am hoping to use it to make uniform sweet potato treats. John mounted it on some wood in the kitchen. Sweet potatoes are a lot harder than normal potatoes, so they need some preparation. We tried boiling them slightly and microwaving them a little, and both ways worked. I do have to cut the ends to make them as square as possible. It’s a little difficult to push down the handle, but I think it will work.

Shih Tzu Date 320: May 14, 2012


Sandy threatened to take Nigel back to Florida with her.I took Sandy to the airport to get her there by 10 a.m. We had such a great vacation together. John and I are sad to see her go, but I think the female shih tzus are happy to have the house to themselves again. She fell in love with Nigel, of course, and she got a big kick out of Flower. She gave me a gift card from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I used it to get another gadget, an apple peeler/corer. You put the apple on it and turn it and it cores the apple.

Shih Tzu Day 321: May 15


John and I took a five-mile bike ride this morning. Flower came to sit with me on the couch when we got back. She gazed at me adoringly when I pet her. She is such a cutie.

I have been leaving the back door open so the shih tzus can come in and out, but I am getting tired of flies coming in. I finally bought a Magic Mesh screen door to try, although it didn’t have great ratings. I need to have John install it over the weekend, but for now, I did tack it up so it works partially. They can’t figure out how to go through it though, so I folded it up and pinned it for them to go beneath it. That works, but the flies go beneath it too.

I can tell that the three youngest dogs are bored. Again, I know I have to see if I can get them walking. Soon!

I gave the dogs all jicama. They all ate it except for Candy.

Dottie was sitting by me this afternoon but jumped down, giving Flower the opportunity to take her place. Dottie growled at her, but Flower just ignored her. They seem a little more ornery since Sandy left. Candy has come up to the couch several times, pawing and shaking her head. I never know what she wants. I think it’s food, but I did get down on the floor to play with them. I put my face near Candy and she licked my mouth quickly. Flower tried to climb up my head.

Flower has a lot of energy. She was rolling around on the couch, and then started playing with some potholders and socks I hadn’t put away.

Shih Tzu Day 322: May 16


The shih tzus love the homemade apple and chicken treats.I am happy to say that if I was starving I could eat my shih tzus’ dog food or treats! That’s because they are made with all people food and no preservatives or “natural flavorings” of which I don’t know their origin. I made them their Sadie Shih Tzu food today. I bought all fresh ingredients, so I didn’t use any frozen veggies. This time I used ground beef and ground turkey. I bought a box of apples from Costco to use for that, John’s lunch, and the shih tzus’ chicken and apple treats. I also bought a box of sweet potatoes for that and their sweet potato and chicken treats. However, I realized later that I forgot to use the sweet potatoes. I was too busy blanching all the fresh vegetables instead of using frozen. I did freeze some squash and carrots for next time. I put them on a cookie sheet in the freezer first, so they would get hard enough to seal in a bag with the vacuum sealer.

Shih Tzu Day 124: Halloween for the Shih Tzus

bad start for Halloween

a shih tzu keeping an eye on a squirrel.a squirrel running along a fence.





Halloween for the shih tzus began with one of them throwing up yellow bile. It was one of the female shih tzus, because I found it when we came downstairs. I smelled all of their breath to see which shih tzu it was, and Flower had the bad breath. John said that didn’t necessarily mean that she threw up, since she could have eaten someone else’s. Gross, but I know it could happen. I don’t think that is the case, though, or else two shih tzus would have bad breath. None of the dogs acted sick, so I don’t know what caused the problem.

morning shih tzu squirrel notification

two shih tzus in black and white clothes. a shih tzu at the door wearing skull sweater





a shih tzu in polka dots and one in skull sweater. a shih tzu wearing a black and white polka dot dress with hood.





two shih tzu sisters wearing black and white polka dot dresses.a shih tzu and a trick or treater.





Candy spent a lot of time outside this morning prowling the perimeter again, looking for squirrels. Every once in a while, she would bark and summon the troops outside. What’s funny is that the dogs can’t always see the squirrel very well, so he will be running one way and the shih tzus will be running the other in search of him. Nigel doesn’t always join in on the squirrel hunt. Sometimes he lets the girl shih tzus do the chasing and he lays in the grass chewing on a bone.

shih tzu door greeter 

I took Nigel to PetSmart and Petco. I dressed him in his black sweater with the skull on it for Halloween. He was very excited to get to go in the car. He did very well, until he saw a big dog in Petco and his dog aggression came out. He started barking, growling and straining at the leash, so I had to pick him up and carry him until the dog was in another part of the store.

two shih tzus that look like werewolves. three blurry shih tzus with weird eyes.





When I came home, I dressed up the girls. They didn’t have costumes, but I dressed them all in black and white. Dottie and Flower wore matching polka dot dresses. I had returned Candy’s black and white houndstooth dress that was too small, but I finally found a medium, so I dressed her up in that. I definitely spend too much time looking at dog clothes at Ross! It took me a while to catch Candy to put her dress on her, since she kept running under the dining room table.

I knew that no one but John and me would see the girls, but I still thought it was fun. As I thought, Nigel was the door greeter, once the trick-or-treaters started arriving. He ran to the door every time the doorbell rang. When the doorbell wasn’t ringing, he ran to to the door anyway, waiting for the next group of children to come along. Again, the only problem we had was when a group came up that included a big dog, who waited in the driveway. Nigel showed his dog aggression again, so I’m sure the parents were glad to be off to the next house. Well, the good news is that Nigel is great with children and small dogs, so that is still better adjusted than Joey was and the shih tzu sisters are.

Shih Tzu Day 25: Unsociable Shih Tzus

harmonious shih tzus

All the shih tzus came up to get me this morning. Waldo (one of my nicknames for Shiloh) stood by while they danced, until we went into the kitchen, and then he participated in a mild fashion. I think he’s getting tired of me telling him not to scratch my legs.

John didn’t come down with me, since we had stayed up late last night with our visitors, Nikki and Clarke, watching music videos. After the shih tzus and I came in from their outdoor breakfast, they acted like they wanted to play again, instead of going right back to their corner, like they usually do.

But, company and a houseful of dogs have been slowing me down, and I needed to do a little work. I settled on the couch with my laptop, letting Dottie up when she put her paws up on the couch for assistance. Flower lay down on the floor by my feet. I thought Candy was back in their safe zone, but then I realized she was sitting in front of my feet, chewing on a Pork Chomp, but the laptop was blocking me from seeing her. Whenever I’d look at Flower, her tail would wag. The harmony and contentment made me happy. As for Shiloh, it made him bored and he bounded back upstairs.

Dottie Takes Her Second Car Ride in the Jeep

We again put Shiloh in the kennel before we went to pick up mom for breakfast in Boulder. We had to come back home and get Nikki and Clarke so I decided to take Dottie with us for the fifteen-minute car ride. She shook in the Jeep at first, but otherwise did good.Dottie on her second car ride

Our breakfast took more time than we thought it would, so we instructed my stepdaughter Leticia to have the children change into their swimsuits and swim for a while before we got there. Gabe drove up with Crystal and her daughter, Avi, when we were leaving to go to the store for lunch fixings, so we told him to go on in.

When we got back, the shih tzus were all huddled in their corner. I moved everyone to the garage, where we were going to eat, so they could have a little peace. Nikki and Clarke decided they were going to get on the road before lunch, so they said their goodbyes to us and Shiloh, leaving the shih tzus with two less people to watch warily.

I thought the shih tzus might be a little more comfortable with people, so I told Evita to come and say hi. However, Dottie growled at her, so I warned them that they should say their hellos from a distance.

Shiloh Takes a Walk — or Twenty

After we ate, we brought Shiloh out on his leash, and I brought Dottie outside to sit with me for awhile while people took turns playing ping ping and riding our bikes. Rema, Oriana, Evita, Dulcea and Avi took turns taking Shiloh for walks. Shiloh loved the attention and the walks.

Our granddaughter, Dulcea, walks ShilohThings didn’t go perfectly with Shiloh, however. He did growl at a couple of the kids, so we kept an eye on him. He also growled and barked at the neighbor’s dog when it walked by. Shiloh growled at the neighbor’s big dog, hair standing up. He is a great dog, but I think he definitely needs a watchful eye on him.

They’re Gone!

Once everyone left, the ewoks emerged from their corner. True, we lured them out with treats, which John fed them. The shih tzus will probably be very happy to know that they will be visitor free at least until next weekend, when the kids and grandchildren descend on the house again.

Shih Tz Prelude: Approved as Pet Foster Parents

Pet Foster Parent Approval

Delores emailed me this afternoon. She said that she would agree to us being foster parents to Dottie, Candy and Flower, on behalf of BFF Rescue, if that’s what we wanted to do. She said that the shih tzus were very sweet and just needed a chance and a loving home. She mentioned again her concern about Flower needing to move to a place where she wouldn’t be so afraid.

We had no children or teenagers at home and no other dogs. For the most part, our foster dogs would be in a calm atmosphere, except when the grandchildren descended on the house. I knew that we could offer Dottie, Candy and Flower shelter in the downstairs bathroom during those times, if it became necessary.

Delores said that since we would be foster parents, initially at least, she would send their playpen and dog beds with them. They would also supply food. She wanted me to know that foster parents usually had a short time to decide if they wanted to adopt a pet, if they thought that might be an option. If they did not want to adopt, the rescue would continue searching for a good, suitable home for them. I told Delores it wouldn’t take very long for us to decide.Delores said that because of their issues she worried that the dogs might bond with us, and that it would be hard on them to move on to another home.

I told John about the fostering idea, and he agreed that he felt better starting out that way. He also agreed to go with me to see the shih tzu sisters at 8 tomorrow morning.

Shih Tzu Prelude: Runaway Shih Tzu Home Alone

The Stray Shih Tuz Stays Home on Father’s Day

When John came downstairs this morning, “Bella II” was sitting on the chair, looking a little guilty. We assumed that her family probably didn’t let her sit on furniture. But we didn’t care. Joey always sat on the furniture. In fact, we bought our Yorkshire terrier doggy stairs, so she could have easy access to us.

When John came downstairs again a little later, the shih tzu had wandered over and sat on the couch. Although we hated to, we had to leave her alone for several hours. It was Father’s Day, and we were spending the day at Bandimere Speedway with the children, Leticia, Gabriel and Candace; the eight grandchildren: Rema, Oriana, Junior, Evita and Dulcea; and Victor and Candace’s children, Keith, Jurrian and Caliyana; and with Candace’s husband, Victor; and Gabriel’s girlfriend, Crystal.

When we got home, we were relieved that Bella ate a little bit of the food we bought from PetSmart. I picked her up and sat her on the couch with me, and she seemed content. She seemed like such a good-natured shih tzu, and I was beginning to bond with her.